today one more blast took place in our national capital...still we r not taking ne steps.....why????are we afraid of pakistan????are we not capable of tackling pakistan????why????why????this question is bothering not only me but many of indians but the problem is tht we dont want to ask this question.....
today before the blasts a frend of mine made a comment dat he thinks in recent future pakistan will overtake India.....hearing dis comment i was shocked how can any one make such a statement.....den i realised it is probably bocz in US it is considered cool to criticize ur country dat he made dis statement....which brings me to the topic i m going to discuss today---being in awe of USA....
today u ask most of the engineers,doctors,pharmacists,managers,etc. abt der goals in life and ans wud be same.....go to US earn money......der is nothing wrong in dat.....after all, all are entitled to earn money and do watever dey want to.....but the problem is dey forget tht in their upbringing govt. of India has also contirbuted somthing.....it is der duty to repay dis debt (though i personally feel nothing that u do can repay dis debt)....but atleast dey shud make some effort.....but most want to just become NRIs, who dont pay a single paisa of tax and still want all rights of Indian citizenship and also the certificate to criticize India netime dat they want to....dey think dat by doing so dey r showing der intellect....
at present we r so much affected by USA dat we want recognition frm USA of everything dat we do....we dance on election of Bobby Jindal though he clearly states dat he is american citizen and not NRI...but we r happy dat he is smthing in USA....we want gratification of our best movies from dem.....Lagaan didnt win oscar, sholay was never nominated does tht make dem nething less den wat dey r at present???......den y dis penchant for oscars...it is same as bafta...cannes..filmfare.
can we blame the common public wen our premier says "Mr President, I know how busy you are with problems relating to the management of the financial crisis. That despite all the enormous pressures on your time you have found it possible to receive me is something I deeply appreciate, deeply value.In the last four-and-a-half years that I have been prime minister, I have been the recipient of your generosity, your affection, your friendship. It means a lot to me and to the people of India.So, Mr. President, this may be my last visit to you during your presidency, and let me say that thank you very much. The people of India deeply love you (itals ours). And all that you have done to bring our two countries closer to each other is something history will remember"
what can u say of a premier who thinks he is not even worth an hours' time of another premier????who is bending all over to thank and praise a person who is regareded as a fool in his own country???and dat too before the deal tht is the breakthough between dese countries is not completed yet....and the deal dat was passed by the senate does ( or atleast shud) raise some concerns.....
dis means dat Indian govt. is ready to be treated as junior partner in der realtionship wid america (ironic considering India is ready to treat nepal on equality).....till wen can we accept dis treatment???...agreed dat USA is a superpower but dat doesnt mean we need to compromise on our humility....its gud we r signing nuclear deal wid USA and increasing strategic relations wid dem but its high time our govt. also took strong exception to the aid provided to pakistan and asked pakistan to help it in dealing wid terrorists based in afghanistan and pakistan....
till we come out of dis complex dat america is a dream land and we r loose change compared to dat, not much will change.....america has benefited a lot from our brains....even now many IITians and IIMers leave India for greener pastures abroad.....and by contributing money to their alumni dey think dey r doing der bit....but dey dont want to come back to their motherland....nobody wants to dirty der hands....
dat is wer movies like "A Wednesady" tell us the reality....i m not saying dat we shud all kill terrorists like he did....wat i and the makers of the movie want to say is dat India is our home and we shud all take part in its cleaning and getting rid of pests...and if u want to clean ur house u need to dirty ur hand to throw the garbage out....
so i hope dat we all take active part in cleaning India of dese pests (terrorists, corruption....)and the first step dat we all can take is by taking part in the biggest duty of all citizens.....VOTING
u r completely rite yaar....its high time tht we the youth shld take the matters in our hands....its our country and we have to clean it up...it was said rightly in Rang De Basanti...ki koi desh mahan nahi hota...usse mahan banate hain usmein rehne wale log...we have to do tht now...n screw all the IITian's, NITian's and IIMites who leave our country for money, comfort and position...and later come back either to donate sumthing n get famous and act in a manner as if they r doin some favour to us...or they juz complain abt the various problems in the country...go ahead man...i am with u...lets bring a change...n tht too a good one...
ReplyDeleteHamara Gruh Mantri jab delhi jal raha hai tab 3 baar kapde change karta hai!!!! hamara labour minister kisi CEO ki death ko justify karta hai......Hamara Cabinet hame nahin 7 janpath ko answerable hai......yeh sarkar kya hamko protection degi!!!! we have to protect ourselves!!!
ReplyDeleteAll i can hope here is atleast those of us who read the blog should do our duty without caring whether our friend of neighbor or whatever is voting or not. The first thing to do is vote ourselves and then encourage( if possible then force) others to fulfill their duty. The upcoming elections will be a test of how responsible we are