i m writing this blog on the day on which yet another serial blast rocked india...this time it was delhi....our capital....now we will find the usual rhetoric from one section blaming certain elements of society for it.....some will do the usual pakistan bashing.....some will blame the other section of indulging in just hate talk and communalising everything.....media will do its bit in terrorising people....politicians and celebrities will condemn the attacks.....but this is the time to really think what shud we, the common man, do??
in view of the latest movie " A Wednesday" some might suggest that we shud also do the same....dat is kill the bloody bastards who are languishing in our jails.....using indian resources.....and waiting for another "rubaiya sayeed" or " IC 814".....wen der "frends" will kidnap some politician's family member or celebrity or something like dat....and india will release dem to resume der activites against india....
wat is stopping india from hanging afzal guru??....he has been proven to be guilty by not one not two but three courts..but still his clemency plea is pending....and political parties and social activists are supporting his plea...my question to these so called intelectuals is what next? give indian citizenship to maulana masood....make musharaff indian president...give osama bharat ratna...
these tough times call for tough measures....we are facing trouble from militants fighting for kashmiri cause, north east separatists, naxals....but still we are more concerned abt the lyrics of songs which are deemed derogatory to a section of society...concerned abt the menu at some busineesman's son or daughter's wedding....or the number of girl friends or boy friends the latest star has...we blame the media for all these...but the real thing is media shows what public wants to see...if we want real news den the media will have to give it...but we look for entartainment in news so it is provided to us....
now the time has come for us to do something....dat something can be nething and everything....for starters we need to show dat we care....unless we vote we can not ensure dat politicians listen to us....vote for those leaders,parties,candiates who talk development not just caste or mud slinging.....stop bribes.....educate people around you....most of india is literate but very few are educated...
the steps shown in RDB or A Wednesday are extreme but we r deaf ppl who listen only blasts....dese movies showed us the power of common man. what can be achieved if we r determined....see these movies in dis perspective and show our might
if we make a strong public response in favor of a policy den politicians will be forced to accept it...use the RTI act to get information....use social networking sites,blogs to publicise and discuss issues and most importantly do smthing.....wen we all will stand and deliever only den can we expect these blasts to end...
Totally agree with you. Nothing in theory, is actually stopping India from hanging the terrorists. If the leaders of India are scared, well, then they don't deserve to lead the country. When it comes to people entering your capital city and blowing up the house next door at least then one needs to understand the situation and take the necessary step.
ReplyDeleteU put it aptly. But in addition to being deaf, we also have attained sort of an immunity to whatever's happening. I mean, what is required is for us is to act, and strongly at that. But everything boils down to one thing,'what can we, the common man, do?'. Well, in a country where the leaders only ask us to not 'to panic' and stay calm after every such calamity, there is very little hope in leaving the issue at their hands. The only option left is for us to do something.
ReplyDeleteBlasts. Be they in the name of religion or politics or freedom, THEY ARE ALWAYS UNJUSTIFIED.
ReplyDeleteNo body has any right at all to harrass other citizens for what they think is right. And killing people is absolutely punishable. Stupid statements like " to forgive is divine " do not have any place here. Though i may be sounding a bit immature here, i do not care.Punish the culprits severely. Killing them is not a solution. Subject them to such a torture that death seems heavenly. In this age of advanced robotic technology, we can spare humans from torturing people. robots can always o the need ful.
timothy....i dont think torture is an option....if they r alive, terrorists will take some hostages and force govt to release these bloody criminals....and even if this doesnt happen we will be wasting tax payers money on them...i believe they should be hanged to death...and if we do anything more severe, so called champions of human rights will oppose it....